

Dalian HOYO Decorative Materials Co.,Ltd
Add:42#, E & T Development Zone, Dalian China.

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2019 MEBEL

2019 MEBEL

2022-02-16 00:00:00

As a traditional trading partner of China, Russian furniture manufacturers have increased rapidly with the adjustment of domestic industry and economic recovery. WOODEX is the largest and most famous professional exhibition in the field of wood products, furniture production and woodworking machinery in Russia. The exhibition has passed the UFI certification of the international exhibition union. Now it is attracting more and more exhibitors and visitors, and has already become the most influential industry event in Russia.

This year, HOYO team visited MEBEL in order to follow the international fashion trend, learn more about the preferences of customers from different countries. During this trip, many customers expressed that they are interested in our decor paper and asked us to send sample to them. We gained a lot from this trip to Russia.

河东区| 巴里| 杭州市| 焦作市| 南开区| 台北市| 轮台县| 横山县| 林甸县| 临漳县| 青神县| 大竹县| 木兰县| 谢通门县| 石渠县| 金湖县| 赫章县| 黎川县| 金阳县| 桐城市| 德格县| 秀山| 临颍县| 沙河市| 利川市| 玛纳斯县| 兴义市| 涞水县| 灵宝市| 长乐市| 隆化县| 丹棱县| 视频| 中阳县| 桐柏县| 保定市| 西青区| 平果县| 象州县| 治县。| 余庆县|